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  बिहार ग्रामीण शिक्षण योजना (Notification-BR/BGSY02/022025)   |   भारतीय प्रेस परिषद में पंजीकृत बिहार ग्रामीण शिक्षण योजना (   |   |   CG/UR/GELY08/2024 (Notification)   |   Notification (UPPSAY022024)   |

The Obective


Family UPHAR Himayat All Religion Foundation

NGO UPHAR FOUNDATION started/initiated by Rehan Khan in 2016, to make doughty free India as well as to reduce unemployment and proverty. The team of the Foundation has inclusion of main team members of conservation campaign and save water charity event show, talent hunt show . The team of organization has made many schemes to remove unemployment like:- LPG Jeevan Suraksha Abhiyan, Clean drinking water scheme, ITSEM Scheme, Panchayat Shiksha Abhiyaan, Adopt indigenous scheme, Relationship diet scheme etc. The Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of all schemes are Rehan Khan.

NGO UPHAR FOUNDATION was registered in Muzaffarpur, Bihar under the Societies Registration Act (XXI) of 1860 on June 11, 2016, by a group of professionals who shared a dream to work on a people-centric model of development in areas of public health, education, women empowerment, community development and social welfare. Inspired by Gandhi ideals of social change.

UPHAR's primary objective is to:

  • Empower the poor and marginalized;
  • Provide shelter to the sick and destitute;
  • Promote community health programmers and services;
  • Support literacy centers and e-learning;
  • Work towards empowerment of women;
  • Facilitate livelihood programmers;
  • Help the poor access information and resources;
  • Work for environment protection and conservation.
  • Providing employment for unemployed youth and women.
From very beginning, we, at UPHAR FOUNDATION, believe that development has to be holistic to break the vicious cycle of poverty to bring the real fruits to the needy. We wish to bring about visible change on the ground by focusing our energies in these sectors as well as building our understanding about related issues. We, at UPHAR FOUNDATION, firmly believe that a conducive and productive environment cannot be achieved unless all parameters of the development equation are adequately addressed.