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  बिहार ग्रामीण शिक्षण योजना (Notification-BR/BGSY02/022025)   |   भारतीय प्रेस परिषद में पंजीकृत बिहार ग्रामीण शिक्षण योजना (   |   |   CG/UR/GELY08/2024 (Notification)   |   Notification (UPPSAY022024)   |

The Secretary

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Rehan Khan

General Secretary

Dear People

Our country had been under the British rule for about two hundred years. This long term foreign rule suppressed India and his people ruthlessly and it seemed for a while that she (India) would never raise her head in the free air.India got independence in 1947. Since then the leaders and the politicians have been trying their best to improve the condition of the masses. Many achievements have been made already but still there are many more to achieve for the alround development of India.

Approximately 600 million population in India is younger than 25 years of age and close to 70% of the total population is less than 40 years of age. Near about 40% of the Indian population is aged between 13 to 35 years that is defined as youth according to the National Youth Policy.Such a huge population of young is not only exceptional in India but also in the World.

Youth unemployment in India is on rise. According to the World Development Report 2013, 9% of males and 11% females aged between 15 to 24 years are unemployed. As per data of 2009-10, 9.7% of young men and 18.7% of young women in India were unemployed.

We daily work on several problems and dream of my beloved motherland. We wish it to be a richer, happier and healthier land to live in. We want it to be a veritable heaven on earth. We hope that within the next few years my country shall have made as much progress as to be the very land of my dreams . . .Jai Hind Jai Bharat